nderbolt.softFreeze_TextDecoder_TextEncoder"]&&(o=o.concat(["TextEncoder","TextDecoder"])),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenClientGlobals_EventTarget"]&&n["specs.thunderbolt.moveSentryToHeadBeforeSecurityChanges"]&&!e&&(o=o.concat(["XMLHttpRequestEventTarget","EventTarget"])),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenArray"]&&o.push("Array"),n["specs.thunderbolt.harden_URL_JSON"]&&(o=o.concat(["URL","JSON"])),e||(t=t.concat(["addEventListener","removeEventListener"])),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenEncodingDecoding"]&&(t=t.concat(["encodeURI","encodeURIComponent","decodeURI","decodeURIComponent"])),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenStringAndNumber"]&&(o=o.concat(["String","Number"])),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenObject"]&&!e&&o.push("Object"),n["specs.thunderbolt.hardenReflect"]&&(o=o.concat(["Reflect"])),t.forEach((e=>{Object.freeze(globalThis[e]),["addEventListener","removeEventListener"].includes(e)&&globalThis.defineStrictProperty(e,document[e],document,!0),globalThis.defineStrictProperty(e,globalThis[e],globalThis,!0)})),o.forEach((e=>{r(e,globalThis)}))})(b),g["specs.thunderbolt.hardenTimeout"]&&!b&&(defineStrictProperty("preventStringArgument",((e,t,r)=>{const o=r||globalThis,n=o[e];defineStrictProperty(e,(function(){const r=Array.from(arguments);if("string"!=typeof r[t])return n.apply(o,r);console.warn(`Calling ${e} with a String Argument at index ${t} is not allowed`)}),o)})),preventStringArgument("setTimeout",0),preventStringArgument("setInterval",0))}catch(e){window?.viewerModel?.mode.debug&&console.error(e);const t=new Error("TB006");window.fedops?.reportError(t,"security_overrideGlobals"),window.Sentry?window.Sentry.captureException(t):globalThis.defineStrictProperty("sentryBuffer",[t],window,!1)}performance.mark("overrideGlobals ended")})(); //# sourceMappingURL=https://static.parastorage.com/services/wix-thunderbolt/dist/overrideGlobals.inline.45eeaad6.bundle.min.js.map
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Yealink Intelligent Speaker MSpeech for Microsoft Teams

Yealink MSpeech is a USB speakerphone that provides AI features such as voice recognition, transcription, translation, Cortana , and a more intelligent Microsoft Teams Room experience. With built-in 10 MEMS microphone arrays and 4-watt speakers, MSpeech ensure HD audio features covering medium-sized meeting spaces.

Bring AI Collaboration to Microsoft Teams Meetings

With the speech recognition capabilities, meeting attendees can get higher quality automatic speech-to-text transcription no matter who speaks, even in conversations with multiple speakers, and regardless of the content. Speakers in the meeting are identified by their names in the transcript. The Cortana speech assistant provides a completely touchless way of operating the Microsoft Teams Room and meeting, offering voice command and control during the meeting with commands for stating the next meeting, adding people to the meeting, or ending the meeting, and other intelligent voice-activated tasks. The MSpeech speakerphone is a stepping stone to more intelligent scenarios in Microsoft Teams meetings .

HD Full-Duplex Audio Covers Medium

With built-in 10 MEMS microphone arrays for great voice pickup and 4W speakers supporting the crystal-clear audio quality, attendees can enjoy the full-duplex HD audio experience and accurate voice recognition for up to 10-users in the meeting room.

Intelligent Microsoft Teams Rooms System Powers Hybrid Workspaces

When it comes to hybrid working, intelligent speakers help with an easy and effective Teams collaboration. The speech transcript not only captures every creative idea, but also makes discussions more efficient. During the meeting as well as afterward people can read the end-to-end meeting contents, creating a more inclusive Teams experience. What's more, the Yealink MVC320 and MVC640 solutions bundle include the MSpeech intelligent speaker, making these bundles integrated by design and the easiest choice for customers who want to add Microsoft Teams Artificial Intelligence to their meeting rooms.

"As our customers evolve their offices to prepare for the new reality of hybrid work, they are increasingly deploying Microsoft Teams Rooms to power these hybrid experiences," said Ilya Bukshteyn, General Manager for Microsoft Teams Devices. "The combination of Intelligent Speakers, such as the Yealink MSpeech, and Microsoft Teams Rooms, brings the most advanced transcription, voice recognition, and other AI powered experiences to Teams meetings for our customers."

With the all-new MSpeech speakerphone, the Yealink MVC320 and MVC640 Microsoft Teams Rooms offer great video solutions for Microsoft Teams with intelligent experience. You can explore more and choose the best solutions from Yealink's full range of video and voice device solutions for Microsoft Teams including personal devices and shared devices.


Contact Kathea for more information and pricing on our Yealink Solutions!

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011 844 9900



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